Install a web-server on the one of computer in the local net.
Place the files, which will replace advertisements, porno etc., there. Check, if they are accessible with help of browser.
Check if there is a library pcre installed, if not, install it. In most cases it is in your distributive, if not, download it from Pay attention to the fact that in distributives it is divided into two parts: pcre and prce-devel. You need both.
Download actual version of Rejik (from the download) and extract it.
Then you need to find out as whish user squid runs and which group it belongs. To do this you need to check squid.conf options: cache_effective_user and cache_effective_group. Or run the command ps aux | grep squid. In my case the parameters are nobody:nogroup, in some distributives squid:squid.
Edit Makefile. The main thing is to edit variables SQUID_USER and SQUID_GROUP, and the values which you have to know from the previous paragraph.
make install
Go to the directory where the Rejik is installed.
Download and extract ban-lists (from the Download).
cp redirector.conf.dist redirector.conf
Check if the ways in the redirector.conf written correctly, in url write URL from the 2 paragraph.
Run the check-redirector from the folder tools and check logs of the redirector.
Write Rejik into squid.conf: redirect_program /usr/local/rejik3/redirector /usr/local/rejik3/redirector.conf
Restart the squid (squid -k rotate), and check the logs, try to open pages in the browser. If you left default options, and did as it is in the instruction, the Rejik must work. If some problems appear, read the chapter "How to configure?" and "F.A.Q.". If that doesn't work, write me a letter.
Wanted a large catalog of porn to appending to porno.urls
Wanted news feeds "new porn sites" to appending to porno.urls