Отредактировал, запустил:
Код: Выделить всё
root@router:/var/lib/rejik/tools# ./check-redirector
http://google.com.ua - GET
Свежий запуск сквида, записи появились в файле cache.log:
Код: Выделить всё
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Set Current Directory to /var/log/squid
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Starting Squid Cache version 3.4.4 for x86_64-slackware-linux-gnu...
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Process ID 14010
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Process Roles: worker
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| With 1024 file descriptors available
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Initializing IP Cache...
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| DNS Socket created at, FD 8
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Adding nameserver from squid.conf
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| helperOpenServers: Starting 0/20 'redirector' processes
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| helperOpenServers: No 'redirector' processes needed.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Logfile: opening log daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Logfile Daemon: opening log /var/log/squid/access.log
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Store logging disabled
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Swap maxSize 104857600 + 3072000 KB, estimated 8302276 objects
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Target number of buckets: 415113
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Using 524288 Store buckets
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Max Mem size: 3072000 KB
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Max Swap size: 104857600 KB
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Rebuilding storage in /data/Squid (clean log)
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Using Least Load store dir selection
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Set Current Directory to /var/log/squid
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Finished loading MIME types and icons.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| HTCP Disabled.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Squid plugin modules loaded: 0
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at local= remote=[::] FD 13 flags=9
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Store rebuilding is 40.96% complete
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Done reading /data/Squid swaplog (9765 entries)
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 9765 Entries scanned
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 Invalid entries.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 With invalid flags.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 9765 Objects loaded.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 Objects expired.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 Objects cancelled.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Took 0.20 seconds (48250.34 objects/sec).
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Beginning Validation Procedure
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Completed Validation Procedure
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Validated 9765 Entries
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| store_swap_size = 158316.00 KB
2014/04/03 11:03:01 kid1| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
В файле redirector.err
Код: Выделить всё
2014-04-03 11:03:12 [14027] Run make-cache (3.2.11)
2014-04-03 11:03:12 [14027] Make-cache finished
2014-04-03 11:03:12 [14027] Load 4087 rules from /var/lib/rejik/dbl/banlists/banner/urls.cache
2014-04-03 11:03:12 [14027] Load 82 pattern from banners pcre
2014-04-03 11:03:12 [14027] Load 350 rules from /var/lib/rejik/dbl/banlists/extremism_rf/urls.cache
2014-04-03 11:03:12 [14027] Load 99078 rules from /var/lib/rejik/dbl/banlists/phishing/urls.cache
2014-04-03 11:03:12 [14027] Load 21991 rules from /var/lib/rejik/dbl/banlists/spyware/urls.cache
2014-04-03 11:03:12 [14027] Load 5073 rules from /var/lib/rejik/dbl/banlists/virus-detect/urls.cache
2014-04-03 11:03:12 [14027] Load 1 pattern from virus-detect pcre
2014-04-03 11:03:12 [14027] Redirector start and working (3.2.11)
2014-04-03 11:04:55 [14067] Run make-cache (3.2.11)
2014-04-03 11:04:55 [14067] Make-cache finished
2014-04-03 11:04:55 [14067] Load 4087 rules from /var/lib/rejik/dbl/banlists/banner/urls.cache
2014-04-03 11:04:55 [14067] Load 82 pattern from banners pcre
2014-04-03 11:04:55 [14067] Load 350 rules from /var/lib/rejik/dbl/banlists/extremism_rf/urls.cache
2014-04-03 11:04:55 [14067] Load 99078 rules from /var/lib/rejik/dbl/banlists/phishing/urls.cache
2014-04-03 11:04:55 [14067] Load 21991 rules from /var/lib/rejik/dbl/banlists/spyware/urls.cache
2014-04-03 11:04:55 [14067] Load 5073 rules from /var/lib/rejik/dbl/banlists/virus-detect/urls.cache
2014-04-03 11:04:55 [14067] Load 1 pattern from virus-detect pcre
2014-04-03 11:04:55 [14067] Redirector start and working (3.2.11)
Теперь браузером захожу в гугл
В логе сквида, концовка файла:
Код: Выделить всё
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at local= remote=[::] FD 13 flags=9
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Store rebuilding is 40.96% complete
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Done reading /data/Squid swaplog (9765 entries)
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 9765 Entries scanned
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 Invalid entries.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 With invalid flags.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 9765 Objects loaded.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 Objects expired.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 Objects cancelled.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Took 0.20 seconds (48250.34 objects/sec).
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Beginning Validation Procedure
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Completed Validation Procedure
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| Validated 9765 Entries
2014/04/03 11:03:00 kid1| store_swap_size = 158316.00 KB
2014/04/03 11:03:01 kid1| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2014/04/03 11:04:55 kid1| Starting new redirector helpers...
2014/04/03 11:04:55 kid1| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/20 'redirector' processes
2014/04/03 11:04:55 kid1| UPGRADE WARNING: URL rewriter reponded with garbage ' - CONNECT'. Future Squid will treat this as part of the URL.
В access.log сквида:
Код: Выделить всё
1396512367.471 144 TCP_MISS/404 1799 GET http://www.google.com.ua/ - HIER_DIRECT/ text/html
1396512367.667 149 TCP_MISS/403 496 GET http://api.mywot.com/0.4/query? - HIER_DIRECT/ text/html
1396512367.794 143 TCP_MISS/404 382 GET http://www.google.com/images/errors/robot.png - HIER_DIRECT/ image/gif
1396512367.817 140 TCP_MISS/404 382 GET http://www.google.com/images/errors/logo_sm_2.png - HIER_DIRECT/ image/gif
1396512372.638 238 TCP_MISS/200 5211 CONNECT easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org:443 - HIER_DIRECT/ -
Чам же гугл выдаёт белую страницу с надписью:
Код: Выделить всё
404. That’s an error.
The requested URL / was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
На другом русскоязычном сайте, выдало страницу с ошибкой в которой пишеться:
Код: Выделить всё
Запрошенный ресурс "/" отсутствует на сервере
В файле redirector.log появилось:
Код: Выделить всё
2014-04-03 11:10:39 banners: - http://top.list.ru/counter?id=77689;t=75;l=1 (urls rule: list.ru/counter)
2014-04-03 11:10:39 banners: - http://counter.rambler.ru/top100.cnt?10566 (urls rule: counter.rambler.ru)
2014-04-03 11:10:39 banners: - http://top.list.ru/counter?id=77689;js=10;r=;rand=0.4361509337419621 (urls rule: list.ru/counter)
2014-04-03 11:10:39 banners: - http://top.list.ru/counter?id=77689;t=75;l=1 (urls rule: list.ru/counter)
2014-04-03 11:10:39 banners: - http://counter.yadro.ru/hit?t45.6;r;s1360*768*24;uhttp%3A//www.opennet.ru/;0.6085098944590361 (urls rule: yadro.ru)
2014-04-03 11:10:39 banners: - http://top.list.ru/counter?id=77689;t=75;l=1 (urls rule: list.ru/counter)
2014-04-03 11:10:39 banners: - http://counter.rambler.ru/top100.cnt?10566 (urls rule: counter.rambler.ru)
2014-04-03 11:10:40 banners: - http://top.list.ru/counter?id=77689;js=10;r=http%3A//www.opennet.ru/;rand=0.14666429061690545 (urls rule: list.ru/counter)
2014-04-03 11:10:40 banners: - http://top.list.ru/counter?id=77689;t=75;l=1 (urls rule: list.ru/counter)
2014-04-03 11:10:40 banners: - http://counter.yadro.ru/hit?t45.6;rhttp%3A//www.opennet.ru/;s1360*768*24;uhttp%3A//www.opennet.ru/adv_lc.html;0.17152198463392276 (urls rule: yadr
2014-04-03 11:10:40 banners: - http://counter.rambler.ru/top100.cnt?10566 (urls rule: counter.rambler.ru)
Тоесть баннеры он попытался вырезать, но и исказил желаемую ссылку, как-то
В файле cache.log добпвились с троки:
Код: Выделить всё
2014/04/03 11:10:39 kid1| Starting new redirector helpers...
2014/04/03 11:10:39 kid1| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/20 'redirector' processes
2014/04/03 11:10:39 kid1| Starting new redirector helpers...
2014/04/03 11:10:39 kid1| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/20 'redirector' processes