и при этом он "он молчит не ругается."?
Совсем ничего не пишет?
в конфиге сквида как прописать строчку?
вроде всё нормально по логам.
ничего не пишет в консоли он!
su squid -c "echo \"http://sex.ru - GET\" | /usr/local/rejik3/redirector /usr/local/rejik3/redirector.conf;"
## If you make changes in this file, you must reboot squid ##
## example: squid -k reconfigure ##
## HELP ##
# Globals options:
# ================
# error_log filename # Log file for error and startup messages.
# # Comment for turn off
# change_log filename # Log file of change contest.
# # Comment for turn off
# make-cache /usr/local/rejik3/make-cache # path to make-cache binary
# work_ip IP # Ip adress(network)
# work_ip IP/MASK # or file with ip for
# work_ip f:/path/file # who redirector work
# allow_ip IP # Ip adress(network)
# allow_ip IP/MASK # or file with ip for
# allow_ip f:/path/file # who don't change any contest
# work_id login # login or file with logins
# work_id f:/path/file # for who redirector work
# allow_id login # login or file with logins
# allow_id f:/path/file # for who don't change any contest
# allow_urls /path/file # file with urls of don't redirect
# raw_change <from> <to># Change <from> to <to> in url
# raw_log aff # Not write to log changes from raw_change option
# Sections options: all parametrs work only for ONE section
# =================
# <NAME> # Header for section
# ban_dir dirname # Rules for change in this section
# url http://host/file # url to replace
# # May use: url http://host/file?var=#URL#&var2=#IP#&i= ... c=#SECTION#
# # #URL# #IP# #IDENT# #METHOD# #SECTION# will be change by redirector
# work_ip IP # Ip adress(network)
# work_ip IP/MASK # or file with ip for
# work_ip f:/path/file # who section work
# allow_ip IP # Ip adress(network)
# allow_ip IP/MASK # or file with ip for
# allow_ip f:/path/file # who section not work
# work_id login # login or file with logins
# work_id f:/path/file # for who section work
# allow_id login # login or file with logins
# allow_id f:/path/file # for who secion not work
# log off # Not write to log changes from this section
# reverse # Reverse result of search in ban dir
error_log /usr/local/rejik3/redirector.err
change_log /usr/local/rejik3/redirector.log
make-cache /usr/local/rejik3/make-cache
#allow_urls /usr/local/rejik3/banlists/allow_urls
ban_dir /usr/local/rejik3/banlists/banners
#log off
ban_dir /usr/local/rejik3/banlists/porno
ban_dir /usr/local/rejik3/banlists/mp3
ban_dir /usr/local/rejik3/banlists/js
#log off
su squid -c "echo \"http://sex.ru - GET\" | /usr/local/rejik3/redirector /usr/local/rejik3/redirector.conf;"
## If you make changes in this file, you must reboot squid ##
## example: squid -k reconfigure ##
## HELP ##
# Globals options:
# ================
# error_log filename # Log file for error and startup messages.
# # Comment for turn off
# change_log filename # Log file of change contest.
# # Comment for turn off
# make-cache /usr/local/rejik3/make-cache # path to make-cache binary
# work_ip IP # Ip adress(network)
# work_ip IP/MASK # or file with ip for
# work_ip f:/path/file # who redirector work
# allow_ip IP # Ip adress(network)
# allow_ip IP/MASK # or file with ip for
# allow_ip f:/path/file # who don't change any contest
# work_id login # login or file with logins
# work_id f:/path/file # for who redirector work
# allow_id login # login or file with logins
# allow_id f:/path/file # for who don't change any contest
# allow_urls /path/file # file with urls of don't redirect
# raw_change <from> <to># Change <from> to <to> in url
# raw_log aff # Not write to log changes from raw_change option
# Sections options: all parametrs work only for ONE section
# =================
# <NAME> # Header for section
# ban_dir dirname # Rules for change in this section
# url http://host/file # url to replace
# # May use: url http://host/file?var=#URL#&var2=#IP#&i= ... c=#SECTION#
# # #URL# #IP# #IDENT# #METHOD# #SECTION# will be change by redirector
# work_ip IP # Ip adress(network)
# work_ip IP/MASK # or file with ip for
# work_ip f:/path/file # who section work
# allow_ip IP # Ip adress(network)
# allow_ip IP/MASK # or file with ip for
# allow_ip f:/path/file # who section not work
# work_id login # login or file with logins
# work_id f:/path/file # for who section work
# allow_id login # login or file with logins
# allow_id f:/path/file # for who secion not work
# log off # Not write to log changes from this section
# reverse # Reverse result of search in ban dir
error_log /usr/local/rejik3/redirector.err
change_log /usr/local/rejik3/redirector.log
make-cache /usr/local/rejik3/make-cache
#allow_urls /usr/local/rejik3/banlists/allow_urls
ban_dir /usr/local/rejik3/banlists/banners
#log off
ban_dir /usr/local/rejik3/banlists/porno
ban_dir /usr/local/rejik3/banlists/mp3
ban_dir /usr/local/rejik3/banlists/js
#log off
Странно, у меня все работает.
сделайте check-redirector > report.txt
После чего затарьте всю папку с режиком и отправьте на slava@rejik.ru
сделайте check-redirector > report.txt
После чего затарьте всю папку с режиком и отправьте на slava@rejik.ru
После команды
chown -R squid:squid rejik3
сквид стал работать.
chown -R squid:squid rejik3
сквид стал работать.